Xocalı - 26.02.1992
Şuşa - 09.05.1992
Laçın - 17.05.1992
Xocavənd - 02.10.1992
Kəlbəcər - 06.04.1993
Ağdərə - 17.06.1993
Ağdam - 23.07.1993
Cəbrayıl - 18.08.1993
Füzuli - 23.08.1993
Qubadlı - 31.08.1993
Zəngilan - 25.10.1993
Dr. Rose Thompson, biologist, needs your assistance with her experiments. She is working to create and preserve new species of flowers. Help her make different combinations of proteins that will become new cells, which will eventually grow into amazing flowers. Watch out for viruses that will contaminate her experiment! DNA is the evolved puzzle game!