Xocalı - 26.02.1992
Şuşa - 09.05.1992
Laçın - 17.05.1992
Xocavənd - 02.10.1992
Kəlbəcər - 06.04.1993
Ağdərə - 17.06.1993
Ağdam - 23.07.1993
Cəbrayıl - 18.08.1993
Füzuli - 23.08.1993
Qubadlı - 31.08.1993
Zəngilan - 25.10.1993
Meditate on the true nature of the cube. Fill all the faces of the cube with colored shapes in this enlightened puzzle game! Race against time in "Fury" mode, filling each face of the cube as quickly as possible, or refine your technique in "Patience" mode, to gain a deeper understanding of the mysteries of Qink!