Xocalı - 26.02.1992
Şuşa - 09.05.1992
Laçın - 17.05.1992
Xocavənd - 02.10.1992
Kəlbəcər - 06.04.1993
Ağdərə - 17.06.1993
Ağdam - 23.07.1993
Cəbrayıl - 18.08.1993
Füzuli - 23.08.1993
Qubadlı - 31.08.1993
Zəngilan - 25.10.1993
Don't be a square. Be a Square Team! Move your team of squares through a series of tricky obstacles to get one square to the exit in this online puzzle game. Squares can hop, roll, and stack, but only one can move at a time. Click on a square to select it. Then, move the square using the arrow keys. Unlock 13 increasingly complex courses. Only one square will reach the exit, but you'll need the entire team to win.