Xocalı - 26.02.1992
Şuşa - 09.05.1992
Laçın - 17.05.1992
Xocavənd - 02.10.1992
Kəlbəcər - 06.04.1993
Ağdərə - 17.06.1993
Ağdam - 23.07.1993
Cəbrayıl - 18.08.1993
Füzuli - 23.08.1993
Qubadlı - 31.08.1993
Zəngilan - 25.10.1993
China has fallen under attack from Mongol armies! The Emperor of China himself has ordered you to travel the length of the Great Wall to make much needed repairs to keep the advancing armies at bay. You must now begin an epic journey along the wall, a race against time to save your homeland from destruction. At the end of your journey lies the Imperial Palace, which you must protect at all costs!