Xocalı - 26.02.1992
Şuşa - 09.05.1992
Laçın - 17.05.1992
Xocavənd - 02.10.1992
Kəlbəcər - 06.04.1993
Ağdərə - 17.06.1993
Ağdam - 23.07.1993
Cəbrayıl - 18.08.1993
Füzuli - 23.08.1993
Qubadlı - 31.08.1993
Zəngilan - 25.10.1993
Spellagories offers an exciting new combination of word game fun and immersive medieval fantasy. This game offers hours of enjoyment and challenging word puzzles to all who fall under its enchanting charm. Move from castle to castle as you travel through a medieval landscape of helpless villagers and merciless mages. With three game modes and an expansive dictionary, you'll learn as you play. Don't delay; download today.